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Unshaven Hair Transplant

Unshaved hair transplant
Today, hair transplantation is one of the most preferred aesthetic procedures for men.
Developments in the method called (FUE - DHI) no longer require shaving the hair before hair
transplantation in people who meet certain criteria.
The reason for shaving the hair before hair transplantation is that it allows the hair follicles to be
placed in the opened channels.
Unlike conventional hair transplantation, only a few small strips are shaved on the nape of the neck
and hair follicles are collected from these areas. These strips are hidden by the surrounding long hair
and the donor area regains a completely natural hair appearance within a few days.
While shaving the hair does not cause any problem in people with short haircuts, unshaven hair
transplantation is a procedure that increases patient comfort in men with long haircuts and in most
female patients.
One of the main instincts behind unshaven hair transplantation is to camouflage the hair transplant
On the other hand, after unshaven hair transplantation, daily life can be resumed in a shorter time
without any symptoms. Since the hair is not shaved, it is possible to hide the donor area. In this
method, the hair transplant team will need to work more precisely and patiently. Therefore, it should
always be kept in mind that unshaven hair transplantation requires more serious experience and
Before the unshaven hair transplant procedure, the patient is informed in detail about the details of
the procedure and hair care after hair transplantation. After listening to the patient's expectations
and making the necessary explanations, the planning phase begins.
Since the hair is the patient's own hair follicles, there is no change in hair color and character.
Although the transplanted hair begins to grow after 2 months, a period of 1 to 1.5 years is needed to
see all the results of the procedure.
It is unlikely that hair loss will occur after transplantation since the hair follicles are genetically
resistant to hair loss.
In our center, patients are informed about every detail in the pre-transplantation process and
realistic post-transplantation expectations are ensured. Our experience and medical equipment
maximize both patient comfort and post-transplant cosmetic results.
Esteeuropa Clinic. Best regards...

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